Spring Update In response to a Pre-Application the NPA have accepted the approach suggesting changes to a Heritage house in the Forest and we are progressing with the design of a replacement building. Ecology studies are required and following that we expect our next step will...

Winter Update This winter we have progressed the design and detail design of projects on a broad front. We have also been appointed to collaborate on a number of smaller new projects located in Conservation areas in the New Forest National Park. For those projects we...

Autumn Update In response to a Pre-Application the NPA have accepted the approach suggesting changes to an Arts and Crafts house in the Forest. Our next step will be the preparation of a planning Application. Late summer and early Autumn have seen Planning Consent granted for proposals...

Summer Update This Summer we have been appointed to collaborate on a number of exciting new projects. This has included investigating Heritage issues associated with a delightful Arts and Crafts house concealed in the New Forest. We have started a dialogue with the National Park Authority...