20 Feb Winter Update 2019
Winter Update
We continue to expand our portfolio with an eclectic and diverse range of projects. A new Client approached asking for help to look at the historic context of his Listed property in Milford on Sea and to provide supplementary materials to support an Application for Listed Building Consent. We have contributed to the remodelling of this Heritage Asset, provided an understanding of the Architectural features and detailed drawings to accompany the application.
Following the design of boundary treatments to a house in the Milford on Sea Conservation Area a Planning Application was submitted and Planning Consent obtained. The images explain the extent of a proposed terrace and how the soft landscape may create a cascading living wall between the two sites.
In addition to having a positive impact on the Conservation area and improving the relationship between properties the proposed boundary changes provide an opportunity to facilitate the sensitive remodelling of the existing Arts and Crafts house.
After a period during which various options have been explored and costed a Planning Application has now been submitted for the remodelling of a bungalow in Lymington.
Minor works to a house in Lymington that received Planning Consent in the Autumn have now been constructed. The modifications alter the internal layout to suit the Clients requirements and rooflights increase the daylighting. The images compare before and after with the dark upstairs room now compartmented for privacy and significantly better daylight achieved with roof lights.